Anti Hair Loss – Topical
Act Inside Out for Men
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Hairis particularly crucial to men. If your hair roots are weak and soft, you might be prone to more serious hair loss problems. Generally speaking, men suffer from receding hairlines.
If the problem is not being addressed, a receding hairline could turn into the dreaded M-shaped hairline, causing one to lose their attractiveness. Experts suggest that hair plays a role in the perception of charisma, which is why some say that a man’s hairline affects their love relationship. In other words, the key to become a successful and attractive man lies in one’s capability to maintain a head of thick, dark, and shiny hair.
Since we lose 50 to 100 strands of hair each day as part of our life cycle, it can be difficult to determine that you are facing chronic hair loss as humans shed hair everyday. When you begin to realise that you are suffering from hair loss, it can be too late as you may already have signs of a M-shaped hairline, thinning hair, or even an exposed scalp. If you want to discover the root of the problem earlier, check for these tell-tale signs of hair loss!
External Factors
Internal Factors
Similar to humans, hair has its own lifespan.
Under normal circumstances, hair undergoes three cycles,
① Growth ② Rest ③ Fall phase
At the end of the cycle, natural hair loss occurs. A normal person loses 50 to 100 strands each day. A loss of more than 100 strands daily is an indication of abnormal hair loss.
When the amount of hair that is lost during the fall phase is more than the hair that is grown during the growth phase, net hair loss occurs. In other words, your hair is falling faster than it grows. If you are able to extend the growth phase, you will be able to prolong the lifespan of your hair and reduce overall hair loss.
With The Essence Of
Two Plant Stem Cells
Regardless of your reason for hair loss, it is important to intervene and solve the problem as early as possible before you start balding at the crown of your head. Reserch has shown that Swiss Apple Stem Cells and Argan Tree Stem Cells helps to stimulate hair growth and extend the growth phase to reduce hair loss. Many of the hair care centers also use these plant stem cells therapy to boost hair growth, however, such treatments are known to be very expensive.
Trichoderm® Anti-Hair Loss Serum contains a unique Tricohological Complex and two different plant stem cells. When used daily, the serum helps to prevent hair loss and boost hair growth. A box of ten vials costs only hundred dollars, which gives you a bang for your buck. Now, let’s take a look at its effectiveness.
The Most Powerful Stem Cell Therapy In The World
For Stronger Hair
Trichodgen, a tricological complex with ginseng, burdock and soy bean helps to boost hair growth
Japanese botanical extracts for healthier hair
For people with busy lifestyles, it is important that hair products are easy to use. This serum requires application only once daily, with one vial each time. With just minimal effort everyday, it can prevent hair loss and restore the strength and thickness of your hair!
Prior to usage, shake the vial and apply the serum to sectioned parts of your clean scalp. Spread more serum to spots with thinner hair, then massage softly into the scalp for better absorption. The entire process takes only a few minutes. The formula is non-greasy with a light pomelo scent. With its all-natural ingredients, the serum will not irritate the scalp and is suitable for any hair type.
*Sources: Laboratories Sérobiologiques